31 July 2012

Read Right to Left - Top 5 MANga Badasses

I can't really tell you where the idea for this video came from because it's been lurking in the back of my mind for the better part of a year. In the 'honorable mentions' part of the video you can see that I had enough characters in my mind to maybe even stretch the list to be a Top 10, but I felt that going that far would be kind of reaching, especially since a number of those characters pale in comparison to the "historical" examples that automatically don't qualify. And anyways, the video ended up having a very good running time with its current length.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well after seeing this video and remembering I've read a review of Vinland not so long ago, I've decided to pick up reading Vinland. Two days later I'm fully up-to-date with the manga! What an amazing manga, very good story and really interesting characters!! So in short, thanks for this video, otherwise I probably wouldn't have started reading Vinland!

  3. That was a fun watch. Though I'm now wondering whether you're going to make the equivalent of this for traps. There's been a lot of this stuff recently (think Prunus Girl), so you'd have quite a lot of material to go on.

  4. How about a top 10 badass bishounen? Why 10? Because a bishounen is only half a man and would take two to match one man on this list.
